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             It's the Women

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It's the women.
And they are always talking.
Many are mothers, or mothers-in-law.
Most are divorced. Most have been through
a man or two since the divorce,
but all the men were bad. They were bums,
they didn’t work hard enough,
they were stoned, they were all somehow abusive,
either physically, emotionally, or verbally.

These ladies usually agree when in groups that
it’s really hard to find a decent man.
(only sometimes excusing any man in earshot).
They always have issues with their men,
those that still have them
(usually younger),
and they always MUST discuss it.
They are always dispensing advice.
They have a great deal of admiration
for one another, especially for
the older ones who have disposed of their men.
They refer to them as strong, or independent.
When the topic comes around to
any woman that is considering leaving her man,
they almost always agree that she should,
that it is justified because he has let her down,
because she CAN do better.
There is always a justification,
something that sounds logical,
and it always seems pretty clear cut.
They say that she, whoever she is at the moment,
shouldn’t waste her life with a man that doesn’t
completely satisfy her,
as if it were somehow possible to
completely satisfy a woman.

She either will find someone
to treat her right (in theory)
or she has gained enough experience,
or money, that she no longer needs a man,
holding her back,
keeping her from attaining complete happiness.
There doesn’t seem to be any doubt here,
even the children will be better off,
out of that bad situation
(it’s always a bad situation).

This is the modern woman,
this is the by-product of a world gone sour,
with cynicism in every nook and cranny.
Where the old priorities are gone,
and making ones self happy seems
to be the new religion.
We are after all put on this earth
with the express purpose of
being completely satisfied,
or making someone else completely satisfied,
depending on your birth.
And love?
Well that has been reduced to a formula:

Yes, this new woman is your woman.
Your mother, your wife, your aunts,
the lady at the grocery store, your boss.
They are all of the woman that you meet.
Your women that is, not mine.
I delight in Shangra-la,
I bathe daily in the fragrant rushing waters
of the majestic river Nile.

© 2002 by Paul E. Sexton III

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